The world needs you more than ever before, my Hero.

The world needs you more than ever before, my Hero.

Personal quote.

"It is not about what the people in history have done to affect change, it is about what WE can do"- Jose Ramon Garcia

31 October 2009

A World Forever Changed.

The following is an elegy style poem for my AP English Lit. class, I am not so great @ poetry. However, it is in memory of Mr. Martin Luther King. Jr.

Un Mondo CambiĆ² Per Sempre.

April 4, 1968-

Creates, relates all of the hate.

His speeches and essays, his eyes and his mind,

His power and strength,

Oh how the world now seems blind!

Our hopes and our dreams, our progress and intellect,

Now whimper greatly- since, of them, he was a chief architect.

April 4th, created a gloomy, weakened room,

A room bleeding sorrow, bleeding flight,

Bleeding doom!

His life was not his, it was ours,

That moment of hate did not kill him;

The bullet shot us, it terminated our powers.

Yet, he had dreams that not many of us dream,

He longed for us, to unite together

And be supreme


Black, white, red, or yellow or brown,

Stand tall, we must!

And never shall his dream drown.

Drown the way he did, in a bathtub of hate-

Never shall Earth suffer what we did, in a bathtub of hate.

Though humanity was able to recover, partially-

His life is lost, his ideas are gone,

Earth now walks with an injured gait.

Since April 4, 1968,

Creates, relates all of the hate.


  1. Excellent post! Maybe it's for the better that he died a martyr, rather than surviving only to have his character assassinated.

  2. Thank You! Mr. Jenkins

    Unfortunately, My prof. gave me a B+! =/.

    But yes, I wonder, had he NOT died a martyr, would the progress have been made?

    What do you think?

    -Jose Garcia
