Many people think that the civil war was fought in the name of morals and good values- the North being the hero and the South the menace. Although, that is partly accurate, with the South being the menace and all, the Civil War was not fought to end slavery because of good values and the belief that "all mean are created equal". The war that shattered America from with in was about power, money and sectional supremacy. Since before the creation of America, one could see two opposing sections in North America- Chesapeake Bay and New England. The two geographic regions had two very different economies, and societies. Chesapeake Bay's being an agragian economy, cach crops such as tabacco (in the beginning) and eventually cotton. Also, there were not too many families in that region, mainly young men who needed to work ended up in the South. Therefore, the New England region was quite the opposite.
With that said, as time progressed into the 19th century, one could see sectional conflicts begining to heat up with the Missouri Compromise, the Wilmot Proviso, and also the Great Compromise of 1850- they all had to do with slavery and what states would render it legal or not. While this was going on geographically, politically sectional conflicts were all too evident. Southern politicians were concerned with the newly industrialized Northen Region's seemingly power over them in congress/government. As was the North. So when the shots were finally fired in 1861, the bullets were not sent out of the weapons for the freedom of man, but the oppression of man. The oppresion of the South by the North, or the Noth by the South. The North was quick to use the end of slavery as a theme in the war to allow it's self to become the hero, and have a justifiable reason for war. However, after the war was over the freedmen rushed to the North in massive numbers, and yes they were politically free, but socially they were still seen as unequal. & It would take them a century to receive the promise they were granted by the Emancipation Proclamation.
The Civil War was a war that was fought between to regions who each wanted geographic, political and ideological supremacy over the other, so Lincoln was not about ending slavery because it was wrong. The Republicans wanted to end slavery because it would immensely weaken the political, economic, and social power of the Southern Democrats.
In like manner, WWII American troops were not fighting to save the Jews from their evil opressor. Before America was even involved in WWII Jews were flocking to America, and were denied entrance into the country and shipped back to Europe to await their sad fate. Roosevelt, and the government, were more concerned about Communism ideals penetrating the world and thus affecting the capatalistic empire that America single handedly protected and cherished.
I could talk about this forever, but I am sure you get the point.
American history shows us how great past congressional leaders have been at putting a great and seemingly moral faces on conflicts (wars) as a way of justifying their cruel, and inhumane actions. It has always been for the sake of capatalism, never for innocent civilans.
The government simply conceals it's true intensions with good and moral intentions in order to get mass support from the American people, and the world.
You Know?
I am not saying it is a bad thing, I mean American society is far too ignorant and stupid to understand why some thing must be done, as the bombing on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It is genious actually! Just funny to see how some people think America is so civilized, human, and especially MORAL!
The world needs you more than ever before, my Hero.

Personal quote.
"It is not about what the people in history have done to affect change, it is about what WE can do"- Jose Ramon Garcia
23 August 2009
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